Jun 13, 2024

Voqal 2024.8.0

We are excited to announce the release of Voqal Assistant 2024.8.0, packed with powerful new features and improvements to revolutionize your voice programming experience. This update introduces Voqal Idle Mode, Directive Decomposition, and Voqal Edit Mode, all designed to make natural speech programming more efficient and intuitive.

Voqal Idle Mode

Voqal 2024.8.0 includes the new Voqal Idle Mode, which gives you complete voice control over your IDE. You can navigate, run, and debug software with plain-spoken language—no keywords or wake words required. This mode replaces the previous Voqal Command Mode.

Directive Decomposition

The Voqal Idle Mode brings a new setting called directive decomposition, which enables you to give Voqal more complex instructions that require multiple tools to execute properly. Before directive decomposition, asking Voqal about the contents of a specific file would result in Voqal either completely guessing or simply opening the file in question. With directive decomposition enabled, the transcription is first sent to the requested LLM to be split into a series of tool calls. Those tool calls are then consecutively sent to the requested LLM one at a time until the original directive is complete.

For example, with directive decomposition enabled, a directive such as "What does file X do?" would result in a view_source tool call that would add the requested file to the current context window, followed by an answer_question tool call, using the extended context window, resulting in a much more accurate answer.

Voqal Edit Mode

Finally, Voqal 2024.8.0 introduces the Voqal Edit Mode, which allows you to create code of arbitrary length via natural progressive conversations. Think aloud and let Voqal do the typing. This mode replaces the previous Voqal Code, Dictate, and Focus Modes.

What's Next?

Voqal 2024.8.0 is a significant leap forward, bringing developers a more stable and intuitive natural speech programming experience. We are committed to continuously improving Voqal and have exciting plans for future updates. Our focus areas include:

  • OpenAI Assistants API Support

  • Context Extensions

  • Open-Source Benchmarks

  • Voqal Tool Mode

We are excited to see how these new features will transform your development workflow and look forward to your feedback.

For a detailed list of all changes, please visit the changelog.